
Directory of College Links

Finding/Choosing/Applying/Financial Aid/Student Resources, etc.

Helpful Lists

A Time Line Jr & Senior Year
Questions to ask on the college tour
Questions to Prepare for the College Interview<
Tips for the interview
Testing Out for College Credit

Financial Aid & Scholarships

DirectQuest Directory of Scholarship & Financial Aid

General Sites with many features

CollegeBoard On-Line list of colleges, create profile of your favorite college with over 800 features, apply, scholarship, register for SAT
College Edge search by interests, apply, advice
College Net – list of colleges, financial aid – scholarship opportunities
Collegetown – visit an admissions office, financial aid office etc.
Collegeview overview & email for more info
Collegexpress search by state, major, etc. Virtual tour of some colleges ask questions
Peterson’s Education Center – complete database of helpful info
Princeton Review search for name, region, state, size, cost.  Find out college ratings. Match interests & goals
Minority Institutions
Ivy League Institutions
College Board Exams
Military Colleges
US Colleges Center
American University Links
College Board’s ExPAN database – search colleges & match careers(usually your school library will have this for free ) choose the .edu section – great comparison charts & information on nearly every aspect of college
Making College Count


College Choice & Admissions – The Best Resources to Help you get in.
Publisher Resource Pathways Inc Washington – This reviews over 200 books internet sites & software
Campus Visits and College Interviews – Published by College Board Publications

Graduation & Other Services

Student Services Co

Overseas Study Opportunities overseas study programs

Just For Fun

The Harvard Song

Student Resources

College Central Network career services and virtual job fair ASP