Directory of Search Engines>/h2>
Info on & access to various engines
Smart Engines
Starting Point type your selection in once and you can choose lots of directories one after the other without retyping
Savvy Search searches 2 or three engines & then compiles a single list
Metacrawler searches about 8 search engines & tries to get rid of Duplicate sites looks through many search engines & brings back all it can find
Start Here another good jumping off place
All In One search many search engines
Copernic one gives you the search engines around the world
Ways to search
“smart engines” that saves time going down the list of engines
because it’s handy on every page use the search feature on your browser
engines that rate sites– pulling out the best available
comprehensive list of most all engines – some are “topic specific” like medical search engines
written Internet Guide – it may get you where you’re going just fine. Given the ever-changing nature of the net, it’s likely not to have all that exists available.
Browser Search tool- look on your toolbar at top of page
Rated, reviewed or organized sites
The Open Directory Project – many other search engines use this organized site to find info on a topic
DirectQuest – you’re already in it !!! Organized
Magellan Green Light Sites family friendly
Point reviews many sites
Point Site Nomination –Sites offered by net users as their favorites
Comprehensive Lists of Internet Search Engines
RiceInfo Internet Navigation Tools index of search sources
WWW Meta-Indexes and Search Tools index of indexes & list of engines
One World
Written Internet Guides
These are obtainable in your local bookstore & in many computer stores. Cost usually around $20 – 40 . There’s a bunch of them. Also check the magazine section for Publications like WebBound – not comprehensive but many new sites are there. Fun to browse through- but sometimes outdated before they hit the shelf
How to get listed in the search engines
There are over 200 internet search engines that you can use to search the Internet. Each has a different set of listings. While many people list in several of the search engines, a good number of people list in only one or two major ones. (A few people list in every one they can find) . There are some services which for a small fee will do the work for you and list you in many of the top search engines. See WebSite Promotion on our Internet Page Also – use the engines to Look up Metatags. Proper use of Metatags will help your site be picked up by the different Search Engines.